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How to enhance detoxification.

How to enhance detoxification.

The process of detoxification involves metabolism, breakdown and excretion of products in the body such as hormones, bacteria, infections, chemicals and toxins. This mainly occurs through the bloodstream, where the liver acts as the main organ which purifies toxins from the blood. 

Other organs responsible for detoxification include the kidneys, lymphatic system, digestive system, lungs and skin. 

When detoxification pathways become sluggish, we can experience the following:

  • Low energy
  • Brain fog
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Memory loss
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Skin breakouts
  • Fluid retention
  • Poor circulation
  • Cellulite 
  • Bad breath
  • Frequent infections
  • Constipation 
  • Bloating and gas
  • Nausea
  • Urinary tract infections 

Ways to support detoxification.

beetroot, calendula and blackberries spilling out of a box

Get your bowels moving.

Elimination of waste from the body via the bowel is essential to detoxification. Sluggish bowel motions will cause accumulation of toxins, hormones and bacteria which will lead to issues such as hormonal imbalances, gut dysbiosis (imbalance), fatigue and brain fog. 

We recommend:

  • Consuming enough fibre
  • Staying hydrated
  • Daily walking or exercise 
  • Gentle abdominal massage
  • Deep breathing and relaxation

Support the liver.

Your liver is a powerhouse cleanser. The liver is incredibly important to breakdown, metabolise and remove metabolic waste from the body effectively. When sluggish, you will experience common symptoms mentioned above. 

We recommend:

  • Minimising chemical and toxin exposure (pesticides, plastics, solvents, additives)
  • Minimise alcohol, smoking, vaping and illicit drugs
  • Consume antioxidant rich foods like berries, turmeric, bitter greens
  • Address any nutrient deficiencies as the liver requires adequate amounts of nutrients like B6, selenium and zinc to detoxify effectively. 

Improve lymphatic health. 

The lymphatic system is one of the last lines of elimination of toxins and waste from the body. It contains fluid and immune cells which are responsible for movement of fluid around the body and modulation of pathogens and inflammation. When sluggish, you will often experience fluid retention, temperature irregularities, fatigue, poor immune function and heaviness in extremities. 

We recommend:

  • Dry skin body brushing
  • Infrared saunas
  • Ice baths or contrast showers (hot/cold)
  • Gua sha stone massage
  • Mini trampolining
  • Putting your legs up the wall each night (10 mins)

As our Begin Again blends are tailored to support detoxification, we have mindfully included herbs and nutrients that we know enhance these areas mentioned above. If you have tried to include some of these strategies and not seen much improvement, we would recommend following our six week Detox and Replenish cleanse and see how you feel afterward. 

As always, before implementing any diet and lifestyle recommendations we recommend seeking individual practitioner guidance, this advice is general in nature and should not replace medical advice when necessary.

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1 comment

  • Ellie

    Wow this is so interesting, I definitely identify with some of these things. Thanks for sharing xxx

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